Jennifer Dallos

ArtPrize Sparks Creativity in Metal Sculptors

If you happened to be in Grand Rapids, Mich., between September 23 and October 11, 2015, it is likely you passed sculptures in public squares, noticed nature photography in the windows of banks, and were beckoned inside local institutions that normally you wouldn’t have a reason or possibly an interest in visiting. Read Post

Tips for Small Businesses

Recent winners of the AWS Image of Welding Small Business Award offer their advice Reprinted with permission: The AWS Welding Journal By Annik Babinski, assistant editor of the Welding Journal Let’s face it, running a small business is a real challenge when everything seems like it’s being supersized. Read Post

Old Dog, New Tricks

Using advanced technology can revitalize today’s welding classroom By Greg Siepert and Jamey McIntosh Reprinted with permission: The AWS Welding Journal The old adage that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” sometimes seems more like a challenge to be proven wrong than a statement of wisdom. Read Post

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