Manufacturing Industry News

Florida IS a Manufacturing State

A bold but true statement – although very likely news to many. I am happy to share that Florida is now ranked as the tenth largest manufacturing state in the United States, providing high-wage jobs to 422,800 residents across some of the most dynamic and innovative industry sectors. 

Some of these industry sectors are seemingly incongruous with Florida’s image as a family-fun destination: semiconductors manufacturing, microelectronics production and packaging, transportation, machinery and equipment manufacturing.

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Is 3-D Printing the Way of the Future in Manufacturing?

Here at FABTECH, we’re always reading about the future of the manufacturing sector, following the latest trends and anticipating the next horizon. So we were very interested in a recent Forbes article in which Bob McCutcheon, US Industrial Products Leader at Price Waterhouse Cooper, told reporter Rakesh Sharma that 3-D printing could be what reshapes manufacturing in America. Read Post

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